Baby goats with our friend Lider and his family (photo: Jeremy Good)
Learning a new skill – threshing oats! The oats are hand-cut and carried to the threshing floor to have horses trample them. We got a kick out of our little friend somersaulting in the straw between hose passes (photo: Jeremy Good)
Building the tools needed (here in Bolivia, we say "solucionando")– tubing, valve from old motorcycle tube, and tire pressure gauge to test water pressure (photo: Jeremy Good)
Celebrating the Winter Equinox by trying to coax the Sun back. After a dinner of grilled chorizos (sausages), churiqui (chicken gizzard), and choclo (corn-on-the-cob), jumping over the bonfire made in the middle of the street is a must!
A hike to the top of the "Pachapata", our local waterfall. After 3 hours of hiking, we hoped to reach the ledge, but it was just too difficult, so we settled for a dip in the stream 20 meters upstream from the 180ft drop!
Visitors to share our work and lives with, and their reminders to stop and enjoy the scenery (photos: Gloria Showalter)

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