We had decided early in the week to escape the cabin fever and to travel to a nearby town and see the tourist sights there. Well, the rain didn’t quit, and the forecast says rain for the weekend. After so much rain we just can;t stomach the idea of getting on the bus - the first 2 hours are clay-dirt roads and a lot of guided sliding is involved in getting down the mountain.
So we stayed at home and got caught up on reading, studied Spanish, fixed up our room, and cooked!
Here’s Saturday lunch with all the local produce available in late summer.
Fried lacoyote squash
Nathan’s quick whey sauerkraut
Vallegrande cheese
Apple cider
Api (ground corn hot drink) with fresh peaches
Ají sauce (spicy salsa of fresh ground hot locoto pepper)
The centerpiece is of Broccoli flowers.
Life is good.
We are spoiled with the great food here, eh? Because it's like, "Hey Andy n' Cassie, what are we going to eat when we leave this place?"