Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas in Moro Moro
Well, it happened. Internet in Moro Moro is officially a thing of the past. The nearest working station is in Vallegrande (where we are now), a two-hour drive away. It´s amazing how strange it feels to not have the world at our fingertips just a short walk from the house. However, we´re not complaining, because this holiday season we´ve already received a half dozen calls from family to make sure we know that lots of people wish us a Merry Christmas. No doubt those calls were expensive, so we are extremely thankful to be in contact during the holidays.
Christmas in Moro Moro started Christmas Eve. Before that day, we had seen hardly any decorations, seen hardly any visitors in town, and heard hardly anyone talking about the holiday. There wasn´t even a tantalizing display of Christmas candy at the tienda! Due to this lack of external cues that we should be celebrating, we decided to get things started ourselves. We made a bunch of cookies, wrapped them in pretty paper and ribbon, and went to the homes of all the people we´ve met so far to deliver them. This process started the morning before Christmas Eve, and is still not completed. This is because every cookie delivery is accompanied by a 2-hour chat, which, if not adequate to boost our Christmas spirit, at least started to put us in a celebratory mood.
The first official festivity was a Christmas Eve mass at the Catholic church. The mass actually lasts from 9 to midnight, then most of the folks go home to a big family dinner after the service. We showed up at 9 (silly gringos), and the service started at about 9:30 with the singing of Christmas carols. Our favorite was Gloria en Excelsis Deo, which apparently has about 20 verses. It was our favorite because the chorus is the same everywhere, and we sang along all 20 times it came up as loudly as we could. I also noticed that most of the people didn´t know all the words to the songs and would kind of mumble the words they missed, so I started doing the same thing and was surprised to find myself not embarrased at all! We skipped out of the service early to attend a dinner in the house of a family that has been extra nice to us. That late at night, we were having trouble communicating in Spanish, so mostly what we enjoyed was the food and being around people who cared about us.
We woke up Christmas morning to booming and banging in the streets. Apparently all the kids spend their Christmas money on firecrackers, and the best place to shoot them off is in the ravine right by our house. We ate papaya for breakfast (a little too tropical to feel normal, but delicious nonetheless), then I opened my present from Andy. He got me a basketball so we can get some games going on the high school court. The only ball he could find with air in it has a giant picture of a nameless, angry-looking player dribbling on it. Kind of weird to put a basketball player on a basketball, but whatever. We had a big lunch, then hung out doing a puzzle with some of the neighborhood kids who kept wandering in our front door. More than twice I had to play the mean-lady and tell them to get out of my house with their lighters and bottle rockets, but it was fun anyway.
Christmas evening, one guy in town threw a huge party for about half the people in town (we haven´t figured out who gets invited and who doesn´t, but we were invited, so we went!). There was lots of loud music, food, dancing, and (too much) drinking. The host and a few friends kept coming around trying to pour us glasses, but we would just sip a little and offer the rest to the person next to us. I bet Andy said the word "poquito" ("just a little bit") about 30 times. He managed to drag me out onto the dance floor exactly one time, and I guess I can admit it was fun. We´re not sure what to do about drinking and dancing yet, so we didn´t want to overdo anything. It seems that about most of the people we meet think it´s great, and even culturally required, that we participate, but there are others that are against things of that sort, so we´re trying to balance that somehow.
All in all, it was a very festive day. However, I realized how tied to external factors (presence of family, favorite foods, certain decorations) that my feelings about Christmas are. I´m not sure what we´re learning from this experience yet, but it certainly has something to do with the realization that God --and the reasons that we celebrate things he´s done--should not be tied in our minds to places, people, customs, or culture (and certainly not to tiny Snickers bars with Christmas trees on them, which always put me in the Christmas spirit). We haven´t figured all these feelings out yet, but I guess you could say we´re thankful for the chance to do something different. Even so, I miss you all!! And I miss snow, and our family and friends, and everything!! Until next time - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hey Friends,
Well, it finally happened. The internet joint in Moro Moro closed it´s doors. It seems the advent of cell phones has dropped the traffic to the internet-based phone service, and there´s not enough traffic to keep the doors open for just the computer users. It´s now a 90 minute drive by moto (much more by truck or bus) to find internet. All this as I´m trying to finish up thesis work - I´ve got a Jan 11 deadline. I have submitted my final revision, we´ll see what they say...
But there´s good news! We´ve figured out how to call our cell ophone with Skype, so if you´d like to call us, it´s super simple, and only $.17 per minute. Donñt try calling from your phone at home without some sort of calling card - my brother and I had a nice conversation at over $2 per minute!
So, if you want to call and deliver a Christmas (or post-Chrismas, really, anytime) greeting, we´d love to hear from you!
If calling from skype ( - make sure you ahve some $ on your account.
Click "call phones"
Use the drop-down box to find Bolivia (+591)
Enter our phone number - 73692060
Click "call"
Enjoy how much the world has shrunk with technology.
After a month of being on assignment, we actually accomplished some real work. We´ve certainly done lots of relationship building, learning, and talking, but boy does it feel good to have mixed and poured some cement and seen a physical object as our completed work. A big thanks to Brian and Krista, the previous workers for getting the ball rolling on this project. With the help of the owner and an albanil (is it the same word in English?? Bricklayer maybe) we poured a toma (water intake structure) and built a brick structure to hold sand as a filter. The location is at the Don Ephrain´s orchard, so his family and workers can enjoy water that doesn´t contain pesticide run-off, and doesn´t have dead rats floating and frogs swimming in the tank. They currently drink out of an irrigation pond - not good. Here´s pictures of constructing the toma.
As always, thank you all for your prayers, words of encouragement, and support. We´re definitely feeling the distance from family, friends, and all things familiar as we get into the Christmas spirit here. Until now, there has been a bigger focus on the high school graduation than Christmas. The graduation fiesta was last night, so now we can really get into the Spirit. I´m searching for Christmas videos here - tough to find.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
More video - coming home to Moro Moro
We have enjoyed 4 wonderful days in Santa Cruz, including the MCC Christmas party and having luch with our host family from a month ago when we were here getting language classes. We might be out of contact for a while. We keep hearing that the internet cafe is shutting down, but so far we´re 2 weeks past their original day for closing an they´re still open. We´ll keep updating when we have the chance. Merry Christmas to all!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
All is well here in Bolivia. We are staying wet and muddy, as it's the start of the rainy season, but are otherwise healthy and starting to feel a bit more settled. Andy filmed a video of our morning commute the other day. It should give you a good idea of what our little world here looks like. Enjoy! And happy holidays to all!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Photos from Thanksgiving
Cassie rounding the las corner to the house after riding 20 minutes in a downpour wearing jeans and t-shirt.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving in Bolivia
On Thursday morning, we left the house on two motorcycles (we were carrying a load of bricks for the latrine, and one moto couldn't handle all the weight). Partway through our ride, one of the motos refused to climb a hill, and we had to leave it and go together with only half our load of bricks. Like he said he would, the old man was waiting on us, and had already started preparing lunch in his one-room, dirt-floor house. By lunch time, we had worked up an appetite laying bricks and shoveling dirt. Marciano invited us in, laid a rug on one of the brick benches lining his room, and brought us our Thanksgiving lunch: one bowl of boiled, unpeeled potatoes, a bowl with boiled corn and four hard-boiled eggs, a pitcher of sugar water, and a bag of salt. Having no table, he laid all this on the floor, and we ate with our hands while he busied himself around the room, occasionally asking us questions about our home towns, and often saying "Eat! Drink! If you're still hungry, we'll make more!" Other than the conversation, the room was completely silent, and partway through the meal, when we had potato peels and egg shells under our fingernails, we both looked at each other and couldn't help but comment on just how peaceful, simple, and satisfying the meal and our surroundings were. Due to Marciano's persistent pleas that we eat and drink as much as we wanted, we both got full.
After lunch, Andy went back to work on the latrine, and I went with our one good moto to fetch more bricks from the broken one. It was a warm, sunny day, so I was wearing pants and a short-sleeve shirt. However, by the end of the 15 minutes it took me to get back to the other moto, it was cloudy and getting cooler. I hurried to load the bike, and ended up spending a good 15 minutes loading bricks, dropping the moto while trying to turn it around, unloading the bricks so I could pick the bike up again, and then reloading the bricks a final time. Just as I got on my way, I felt raindrops, and a few minutes later, it was pouring. Within minutes, my clothes were soaked, I started shivering, and my arms turned red from the raindrops stinging my bare skin. As time went by, the dirt road got more and more slippery, and by the end I was riding in first gear with my feet down, fish-tailing into town. I arrived back at Marciano's house to find both he and Andy peering out his front door, obviously anxious for me to make it there. Andy ran to help me inside, and when I came in dripping and shivering, Marciano came out of the corner with his coat and two old, torn-up blankets. Since I had basically no other option but to sit in my wet shoes and clothes, the guys piled the blankets on, and the three of us sat in the dark room listening to the rain. After a few minutes, Marciano stood up and said, "I'll make some food," as though this was the obvious thing to do when you're stuck inside anyway. I thought about my full stomach and started to protest, but he was already pulling out potatoes and peeling. Thirty minutess later, it was still raining, we were still cold, and my feet were freezing inside our backpack (Andy's idea to keep me from having to put them on the muddy floor while I tried to let my shoes and socks dry). Marciano poured us each a huge bowl of steaming soup made from ground corn and diced potatoes. The soup had sort of a brownish, gelatinous, and not very appetizing look to it. To our surprise, however, it tasted just like popcorn, and I felt warmer right away.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. The rain stopped, we finished our work on the latrine, said our goodbyes, and headed home on muddy but passable streets. As we laid in bed that night, we couldn't help but think about the simple things that made what could have been a miserable day into a day that was pleasant, memorable, and full of reasons to give thanks: new friends, work worth doing, basic food, old blankets, a leaky mud roof, and sunshine. Thanks to all of you for thinking of us and praying for us always, and especially during the holidays.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Santa Cruz in pictures
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Laugh with us
Hey friends,
Friday, October 23, 2009
Life in Santa Cruz
Hello all!
Cassie and I are almost halfway through our language classes, and it shows. We’re continually hitting walls and struggling to find words, but every night, we have more complex and fulfilling conversations with our host family. We’re staying with a widow named Consuelo. We’re getting to see middle-class life in Bolivia - very different form Moro Moro. This family has a car and a computer, and even a washing machine. They have traveled to other countries and watch cable television. In the countryside surrounding Moro Moro, we’re often asked what it’s like to fly in an airplane, and how much did my prescription eyeglasses cost. The people are curious and know so much more than I have ever known about plant life and our immediate surroundings, but experiences of technology and life as usual in the developed world is fascinating to them.
We have settled into a routine of language classes 4 days/week in the mornings, and work on thesis, homework, or other projects in the afternoons. I am within a week of finishing edits on my thesis to turn back in. Cassie received word that her publication needs some revision, so she’s hitting the statistical software with gusto to complete that. We’re in and out of the phase of needing a LOT of sleep. At first it was 10 hours EVERY night. At times it’s in bed at 9 and groggy at 8 trying to get out of the house for class, other times I pop up at 6:30 with my head clear.
On the days we don’t have class, we’ve been doing various activities to orient us to Bolivian life. Whether a tour of the city by micro (the bus system here) or talking politics with an American expatriate who’s been living here for 40 years, we’re feeling like we’re getting to know this culture more every day.
A few experiences really throw us for a loop – such as the micros (bus system) here. Not bad, just different we remind ourselves… There are 114 micro routes in/though this city of 1.5 million, and there are 11 different ones that will take us from our house to the MCC office – about a 15 minute ride. The micros have ~20 seats, and are all privately owned, at times by a company, at times by the driver. There are no marked stops, so you just flag down a bus, and ask “PARE (stop) POR FAVOR” if you want off. At times you’re stuck in traffic, and you just have to ask “PUERTA (door) POR FAVOR” and he’ll let you off to fend for yourself in the traffic. I find the incentives built into the system quite interesting. The owner gets to keep the money brought in above and beyond costs – so his goal is to get as many people onto and off of the bus as possible. That means they drive as fast as they possibly can, but if someone flags them down, HOLD ON! And if there’s a few cubic feet of room left in the bus, he’s glad to stop and let you attempt to squish into the bus. Then if someone from the back wants out – that’s another process. It ends up being a fairly efficient system once you’re on a bus, because you get across town in a hurry, but it’s at times uncomfortable. Some of the busses were not meant for tall gringos (not a derogatory term in Bolivia). At 5’8”, I have to shorten myself a good 8” on some micros. If I have to stand for the 15 minutes – ouch.
We haven’t taken any pictures since we arrived in the city – we’ve seen fascinating things, but have been travelling as light as possible. We’re getting more comfortable now and will probably get some pictures of life here uploaded soon.
If you're wondering about homesickness, we're doing alright. A friend just shared her load of downloaded Office episodes, and though we couldn't watch it Thursday night, like so many of you at home, we'll get a few watched this weekend. We're lucky to have lived a fairly transient life since we've been married - staying in the same zipcode 18 months one time. I think it prepared us well to make yet another break from the familiar. As we said a few times before we left - we look back on the road that got us hear and realize how good God is too have prepared us for each next step. We never saw the next journey coming until it was time, and we had been prepared for it. Thanks everyone for your support and chats. Skype is working well - add us to your list and we can videophone online - our username is andyncassie.
Now, if you'd like to eat along with our journey, give Masaco a try:
½lb beef cut – sliced thin, not ground
2lb bananas or plantains
Fry the meat – really, over-fry it just a little so it’s just a little dry.
Fry the bananas/plantains. Get them really well fried too – just a little dry is fine.
In Bolivia, every kitchen I’ve entered has a “tacu” a hollowed out stump for use as a mortar-pestle devise – mostly for making masaco. You’ll have to improvise. What you need to do is crush the fried meat so that it breaks apart into little slivers.
Remove the meat from the crushing devise, and do the same for the bananas. Add a bit of salt as you crush, and add the meat back to the bananas as you get them smooth. Keep mixing until it’s of even consistency. Now add some of the oil from frying the meat into the mixture – mix until blended.
A few more ideas and a pretty bad picture here:
Monday, October 12, 2009
10 things that are different
Friday, October 9, 2009
First month in Bolivia
Is he carrying a sack of potatoes? Oh, nope, just a sleeping 2-year-old.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Life in Moro Moro, Bolivia

The district of Moro Moro has, I think, around 3000 people, many of whom live in "communities" of different names. These communities might only have 3 or 4 homes, and the homes might be fairly isolated from each other, but the area is given a name and called a community, I'm assuming so that people know how to describe where they live. Life in the campo, or the area outside the pueblo, is fascinating to us. Last Tuesday we drove to a home in the campo to start work on a latrine and finish up some work on a spring-fed water system. The house was 45 minutes from the pueblo on dirt roads that would be called 4X4 trails in the U.S. We got there in a small Toyota station wagon. Driving through the campo, we were surrounded by mountains on all sides, but instead of being places where only wild animals and trees live, the mountains here make up the homes, pastures, and farm fields of many people. It is a strange sight to look up the face of a steep, rugged mountain and see potato fields on the slightly less steep parts and fence rows running straight up even the nearly-vertical mountain faces. We often encounter cows, horses, and donkeys on the roads that we've traveled. Last Saturday we hiked to the top of a ridge that had spectacular views of the surrounding valleys. However, even the ridge top had a small wheat field and half a dozen cattle. I can't get over how weird it is to encounter farms on the tops of what to me are huge mountains.
People in Moro Moro are quite reserved. Most speak softly and don't go out of their way to introduce themselves or start up a conversation. However, no one ever passes you on the street without saying hello, good morning, or how are you. Andy and I and the couple who were here before us (who are leaving soon) are the only foreigners in Moro Moro, and so we attract a lot of stares. This has been pretty unnerving to me, but after just a few days the folks on the couple streets we walk down the most have already become much more friendly, and they smile and say good afternoon instead of staring. Kids stare the most, but as soon as one of us says hello or good afternoon, they immediately smile and say something back to us.
So far we've filled our days with work on latrines and water systems, spanish studies, conversations in spanish, and meeting the folks in town that we'll need to know to carry out our work. We usually finish dinner and chatting with our host family at about 8:30 at night, then we have a little time to read and talk to each other before we crash at 9:30 or so. Sleep comes easily when you have to concentrate intensely just to talk to people.
Andy got a good introduction to the motorcycles this weekend. One broke, and our boss drove another up from the city, just to have it also refuse to start the next day. There's a "mechanic" in town, but he appears to know maybe slightly less than Andy does about engines. Andy and Brian, our friend here, spent an entire day Sunday working on the moto, and finally got it working perfectly in time for a busy work schedule this week. They're awesome! We had our first ride together today. There are lots of hills so steep that we both have to lean forward to get up them (or, we could "use our feet" as Brian put it today). Tomorrow we'll help with a workshop on building and maintaining latrines, and the rest of the week will be full of water systems work. We're getting a great introduction to our work, and our Spanish is coming along nicely. We still feel pretty out of sorts physically and emotionally, but everyday it gets better. We miss lots of people and things already, and are already looking forward to family visits! Thanks for all who are thinking of us and praying for us. It's difficult to contact you all directly, but just know you're appreciated. Peace!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Here, safe, and only a little bit confused
Monday, September 7, 2009
Twas the night before departure...

Cassie here:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Less than a fortnight
Andy here:
So many updates! I spent the last two weeks working literally 18-22 hour days hammering out a master’s thesis, and got it turned in last Friday. I didn’t think I was on a trajectory to finish, but a lady I respected but had never met had the courage to lecture me for 10 minutes at our garage sale about how I WAS going to get it done, and lit the fire under me to make it happen. I owe her a debt of gratitude – truly a God thing!
We had a garage sale and got rid of most of the stuff in our lives. We packed up our remaining belongings, and besides our heirloom dining room table and chairs, everything fit on a palette four feet high. Part of this journey is letting go of some of our security, and this has certainly been a test, but we’re already a couple weeks on the other side – no bed, no dishes, no car, nothing to maintain and hold on to, we’re feeling very free to look outward.
All is set for leaving for Bolivia on Sept. 8. We are enjoying our last 2 weeks in the U.S. spending time with family and friends. We’re trying not to let our desire to spend as much time as possible with everyone stress us out and ruin the time we have left, but it’s not easy.