Thursday, August 27, 2009

Less than a fortnight

Andy here:

So many updates! I spent the last two weeks working literally 18-22 hour days hammering out a master’s thesis, and got it turned in last Friday. I didn’t think I was on a trajectory to finish, but a lady I respected but had never met had the courage to lecture me for 10 minutes at our garage sale about how I WAS going to get it done, and lit the fire under me to make it happen. I owe her a debt of gratitude – truly a God thing!

We had a garage sale and got rid of most of the stuff in our lives. We packed up our remaining belongings, and besides our heirloom dining room table and chairs, everything fit on a palette four feet high. Part of this journey is letting go of some of our security, and this has certainly been a test, but we’re already a couple weeks on the other side – no bed, no dishes, no car, nothing to maintain and hold on to, we’re feeling very free to look outward.

All is set for leaving for Bolivia on Sept. 8. We are enjoying our last 2 weeks in the U.S. spending time with family and friends. We’re trying not to let our desire to spend as much time as possible with everyone stress us out and ruin the time we have left, but it’s not easy.