Friday, July 17, 2009

Palabras (Cassie speaking)

These are a few of the words our group used to describe our feelings today, the last day of our orientation with MCC. We've been here two weeks, and I can't describe the blessings we've received from the people here. Many are in similar positions in life as us, and others have had more experience with overseas work, mission work, and/or life in general, which means we've had a lot to share with each other and a lot to learn from each other.
I've been on the verge of tears most of the day because I am constantly in awe of the love I feel radiating from all the people around me. It makes me think that just by sending these people out into the world, MCC is creating a better world. However, a dinner conversation brought me back to reality, and to the fact that, for most of us here, this may be the last time for a while that we're in a place that feels so safe, and we may be moving on to places where war, poverty, and oppression have stripped people of the luxury of loving openly and vulnerably. I am grateful for stories that describe people who, even in the midst of such circumstances, show great love to others, and I can only pray that I would have the strength to look outward in the midst of war, poverty, and oppression, rather than holing up to ensure my own survival.
On a more informative note, we're leaving Akron, PA tomorrow (Saturday) to go back to Iowa. Andy has a lot of work to do on his thesis. He's hoping to have a solid draft done by the time he leaves Iowa in late August. There's been so much fun to be had here that he hasn't gotten to do much here, but he's got a good 5 or 6 weeks to plug away at home. I've got to wrap up some last minute details on my thesis and turn it in next week. I'll be working on things for my professors until August 15th or so, then heading to Oklahoma for some family time. THEN, September 8, we go! Our plane tickets were purchased today. That means, my friends, that this is official.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hello friends.
As many of you know, we'll soon set out for a three-year term of service with the Mennonite Central Committee in Moro Moro, Bolivia. The more we talk and think about what's to come, the more excited we become, and the more we look forward to experiencing whatever is about to come our way. That said, we're also growing more and more aware of the deep connections we have to family and friends in Iowa, Oklahoma, and other places where life has carried us/you, and we hope those connections do not get broken as we build the next phase of our lives in another hemisphere. Hopefully the stories we will share on this page will help us keep those connections strong. Thanks to our friends and family for the many ways they've encouraged us in the process so far. Much more to come...